Publication Fee

Smart Moves IJELLH is an Open Access journal and we don’t receive any grant from any organization or we do not have any kind of funding source to meet our expenses, hence we charge a nominal amount from our authors as Article Processing Charge (APC).  The APC covers the expenses of the administrative cost, the peer review process cost, publication process fee, and online publication fee.  This cost also includes expenses incurred on hosting the website, online security (against virus attack and phishing), and indexing of manuscripts etc.  APC is being levied only on the Open Access journal publication model.

 Authors paying fees do not mean that the process would be curtailed short or they can get their publication fast.  IJELLH does not compromise with its quality standards.  We do not accept any fee unless a manuscript meets its set benchmarks or standards. This fee is only charged to meet the publication expense requirements. 

Statement for no Charges for Manuscript Acceptance 

We want to emphatically state that "SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLLH does not levy charges for the acceptance of manuscripts."  This means that we do not charge for the mere acceptance of a manuscript. Our revenue model ensures fairness and quality throughout the publication process.

Amount in USD Particulars  
2000  Online Publication + e-Certificate  
2500 Online Publication + e-Certificate + Print Certificate+ Cover Page + Index  
3500 Online Publication + Hard Copy + Print Certificate  
1500  Extra Hard Copy